STERIS 4085 General Surgical Table

STERIS 4085 General Surgical Table

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STERIS 4085 General Surgical Table

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1 STERIS Product Number P150473302 WASHER FLAT
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2 STERIS Product Number P150823247 SCREW  SBHC
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3 STERIS Product Number P150823276 SPACER  SIDERAIL
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4 STERIS Product Number P150830110 SCREW  SET #8-32 X 15/64
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5 STERIS Product Number P150830114 LABEL  BOTTOM RAIL "A"
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6 STERIS Product Number P150830115 LABEL  "B"
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This item is no longer available. For questions about this item, Contact Us.
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8 STERIS Product Number P150830167 PAD ARMBOARD  TLT  2 1/4 IN.
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9 STERIS Product Number P150830168 PAD  ARMBOARD 3 IN.
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10 STERIS Product Number P150830181 PAD  UNIV. ARM  AND  HAND TAB
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11 STERIS Product Number P150830185 PAD  2 IN. FOOT EXTENSION
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12 STERIS Product Number P150830364 HOOK  STRAP
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13 STERIS Product Number P150830849 LOCTITE #222 POUCH
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14 STERIS Product Number P150830921 PRESS. SWITCH  D1  25/20B
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15 STERIS Product Number P150832087 GROUND WIRE  90"     # 1
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16 STERIS Product Number P150832118 RIGHT CABLE GRIP       #3
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17 STERIS Product Number P150832119 ROD LINK ASSY
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18 STERIS Product Number P150832187 WASHER FLAT 1/2" TYP B
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19 STERIS Product Number P150832203 NUT  SELFCLINCHING M3 X.5
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20 STERIS Product Number P150832204 SCREW  FH M3 X .5 X 4 SS

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